Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Black Holes and Revelations


There's quite a lot going on in the world it seems. A possible revolution in Iran. A continually crumbling economy. A gradual decline in pretty much all of the world's resources while the population gradually explodes, despite our continual attempts to wipe each other out. There is still, after centuries of fighting over the 'Holy Land,' no peace in sight. There is still hunger and poverty despite the efforts of bleeding hearts and those who regularly appear on the 'Best Dressed List.' Then there's Kim Jong Il (he may be a psychotic murderous bastard, but man he rocks those shades!)

And the cherry on top?


I feel like Twitter is a cornerstone in the decline of society as a whole. Yeah, sure, people are touting Twitter as an integral tool for communication coming out of censored places such as Iran, some even go so far as to say that Twitter is making the 'revolution' possible. To those people, I say: are you fucking kidding me?

Okay, yes Twitter has allowed greater volume of communication to the outside world via internet in a time where information is in a lockdown. But how can anyone fail to recognize that what makes a revolution possible is people? The people marching, fighting, demonstrating, and dying are what make the difference. Also that hat is pretty awesome. I'm pretty sure that hat made a difference somehow.

The French were able to pull off a revolution without the use of Twitter. They maybe got a little more excited about the guillotine than they needed to, but hey, to each revolution its own. Let's not give credit where credit is not due, that's all I'm saying.

Also, Twitter was not invented with revolution in mind. Please! Twitter was invented to make money off of narcissistic twits (yes, pun intended) who are so self-absorbed and disconnected that they feel the need to post every facet of their generally boring lives on a public forum so they can feel more important. To any rabid Twitterers out there.... yeah I don't apologize. I see the benefit of it in incredibly rare situations, (such as finding out what's on the menu at the delicious Indian restaurant Samosa House..... mmmmmm..... jackfruit and yogurt curry.....) but on the whole, it's just another tool for tools.

When I get into a nihilistic mood, as I often do when I think about twitter, it makes me feel better knowing that our whole galaxy will be sucked into a black hole in about 10 million years.

Oh, and kittens. Kittens make me feel better. Especially kittens named 'Monkey' and 'Bear'

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