Friday, February 6, 2009


Sorry boys, this is not about a mud-wrestling match (but how awesome would that be!) It's about kids. And nature. And dumb fucks (pardon my french.)

I'm sure by now you've heard of the California woman Nadya Suleman, the woman of the octuplets. And you've probably heard that she already has six young kids. You may have even heard that this single mom also has no job, lives in a 2 bedroom house with her parents (who have gone bankrupt trying to support her,) and had all her kids through in-vitro fertilization. All I have to say is, WTF?

Seriously, wtf.

There are reasons that there are a whole series of hoops to jump through and qualifications to meet in order to adopt a child. If someone can't support a kid, they don't get a baby-hand-out.

So why does someone who is jobless and living in a 2 bedroom house with her parents and existing 6 kids get IN-VITRO so she can feed her bizarre obsession with EIGHT MORE KIDS! This is not about attacking an "unconventional lifestyle" as Suleman complained. Bitch, please. This is about total and utter irresponsibility for the sake of overly indulgent self-gratification. It's one thing for Angelina Jolie (who could buy a country) to have and adopt a bunch of kids. She can support a freaking army. But Nadya? Come on.

What happens, Nadya, when the diaper handouts run out? What happens when your 8 premature babies start having health problems? What happens when you realize you can't stuff 14 kids into a 2 bedroom home (that you share with your freaking bankrupt parents! I'm sure they're proud...) What happens when you can't divide your attention among numbers 1-14? What happens when you realize you can't support 14 children off a counselor's salary? What happens if you don't get a job? Cause the economy is so hot right now... What happens when you realize you have serious fucking issues and both you and your kids are going to need major psychological help? What happens then, huh?

It's the 14 stigmatized kids that are going to have to pay for their irresponsible mother's self-absorbed complex. Way to go, you dumb fuck.


Anonymous said...

OK, wow, you are really pissed off about this. I share your pain. But I guess the subtext to this is not just her being fucked up, but what about the culture of the "right to lifers"? This is an extremely interesting situation because on the one hand if she was pregnant, they would say "she must have the baby". On the other hand, they're all about in-vitro is EVIL! Would be interesting to put some of those people on the spot as well.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me alot of that movie Idiocracy.