Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A typical day at the office.....

I work at an agency. I'd like to say it's not your typical office environment, but I've never worked at any other office so I really couldn't say.


"What memo?"

"The one I told you to do, to that guy..."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"I told you do do it!"

"I'm sorry, you didn't tell me to do a memo, but I can have it done in no time."

"I DEFINITELY told you to do it."

"No, but I can do it right away if you-"

"YES, I DID tell you, do you have hearing problems?"


"Then why the f*** is it not on my desk?"

"Uh, you never told me?"

"If I think I told you, then I did."


Here, logic prevails!

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