But the best part about a disaster movie is the lesson we take away from it. And no, I'm not talking about reconciliation and accepting your fate. Fuck that. I want to LIVE! And after watching each of these movies enough times, I finally know how.
1. Have a bike. Not a bicycle -- a serious motorbike that can handle rough terrain, steep hills, and outrun a speeding tsunami.
2. Have a kid. Or a dog. Or a spouse you took for granted for years and still need to reconcile with. Just something to live for. This one is a bit of a gamble, because sometimes the tear-jerk factor for such a character is too high to resist killing them off, but you generally have a better chance if the universe (or audience) looks at you in a favorable light.
3. Have an extensive knowledge of something esoteric. If you are an expert in a rare form of botany or string theory, you are not only likely to make it (for what exact reason, I'm not exactly sure,) but you will also be looked upon as a commodity.
4. DON'T follow the crowds. In the event of an asteroid, or alien invasion, think outside the box.
5. Don't be a dick. Assholes get their due. Generally it involves trying to climb over a pregnant woman for a ride in the last helicopter out of town, which inevitably crashes. So just keep that in mind.
6. That said, don't be a pussy. Someone who sits and cries when thing gets tough is more likely to get killed just because. No one likes a whiner.
Just take these lessons to heart and you are sure to survive the next apocalyptic event. Minus Zombies. Those fuckers are different case entirely...